Photo by Gianna Leo Falcon
About Heru Tehuti Nun
Heru Tehuti Nun (Kemetic Name) is a Manhattan based Tarot, Oracle & Crystal reader with over 15 years experience working with the Tarot and the ancient laws of MAAT (Balance). He brings a highly unique approach to his readings due to his studies of Smai Tawi. Through his 10 year study with Baba Heru and Queen Afua he has mastered the art of balancing levity & gravity and is able to pair opposing forces to promote overall wellness and healthy Chakra flow.
He came into this lifetime with a very strong “First Eye.” His family’s lineage is Shinecock and he spent many years on the reservation connecting to his natural path. He believes that the obstacles that we are faced in this shadow realm are merely tests to prepare our consciousness to vibrate on a higher frequency.
When a person travels somewhere unfamiliar a GPS system is most often used. It tells us what direction we are to go when we are confused. All of us have a very clear path that we are to travel; but often venture down different roads even though our internal GPS may suggest otherwise. In these instances the GPS will re-calibrate to get us to our ultimate destination. Heru Tehuti Nun has the unique skill set to help you navigate in this world with grace and ease.
He is a certified Kemetic Priest and Empath with the ability to deeply connect with his clients and get to the heart of matters. He utilizes close to 80 decks in his Tarot practice and is able to locate a deck that will leave his client with a life changing experience and higher vibration.
He studied journalism and communications and attended Seton Hall Prep and Howard University. Every step that he has taken in his journey has given him the tools to clearly help those navigate their path.